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Copy/paste IP address in your browser. The default username and password depends on ASIC manufacturer. Antminer: root/root; Obelisk: admin/admin
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Hashova rýchlosť - 4,73 H / s. Technológia procesu - 28 nm. Ťažobný čip - BM1385 (celkový počet - 162 kusov). Spotreba energie - 1210 wattov.
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Put the upper cover of the control board back in place and fix the screw at the position indicated by A. Note that the bundled cables shall be placed into the U-shaped hole. Bitmain Antminer New Power Supply APW7 PSU 1800w 110v 220v Much Better Than APW3++ for S9 or L3+ or Z9 Mini or D3 w/ 10 Connectors 4.4 out of 5 stars 40 6 offers from $155.00 I recently built a new computer and have been using NiceHash to recoup some of my costs. I have been getting random crashes and restarts after between 30 minutes and 3 hours of mining. I am mining on my 3090 FE and am fairly certain it is related to sustained max memory controller load. View Bitmain's Range Of Asic Bitcoin Miners And Buy Online With Bitcoin Bitmain Antminer New Power Supply APW7 PSU 1800w 110v 220v Much Better Than APW3++ for S9 or L3+ or Z9 Mini or D3 w/ 10 Connectors 4.4 out of 5 stars 40 8 offers from $155.00 Antminer, bitcoin, litecoin , eth S15, S9, ventilator , ventilatoare Laptop – Calculator » Componente si accesorii 75 lei Most profitable coins and expected revenue for Bitmain Antminer S9j 14.5T mining. $56,818.97 $138.92 $1,848.83 $223.18 $12.23 $240.46 $205.46 Follow @WhatToMine dark mode GPU AntMiner S7. charakteristiky. Hashova rýchlosť - 4,73 H / s.
NiceHash 3.0 Guide. Should You Purchase A Bitmain Antminer S9 Bitcoin Miner In 2019 Or 2020? December 15, 2019 Jednostavno rečeno, to znači da su strujna kola na S9 BM1387 čipovima skoro duplo manji od prethodne generacije čipova za rudarenje kripto-valuta. To dovodi do daleko veće električne efikasnosti što AntMiner S9 stavlja na sam vrh ponude tehnologije za rudarenje. Ono što je zaista dobro kod AntMiner S9: Najbolji dostupni hashrate od 14 Demo account Try demo for your first experience.
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Specifications and other information of the Antminer V9 are as mentioned below. Because of the national lunar new year (aka Chinese New Year) break, we are unable to check USD wire transfer payments from 14 February to 24 February 2018. Bitmain Antminer S9 13.5 TH/s miner that can produce at a maximum of 13.5 TH/s hash rate with 1.323 KW power consumption. BitcoinSV, LitecoinCash, DGB-SHA, BitcoinCashABC, Peercoin, Bitcoin, and Myriad-SHA miner compatible with SHA-256 hashing algorithm. Nastavenie NiceHash Príklad: Od svojho vytvorenia v roku 2011 si litecoin udržal tesnú pozíciu pred bitcoinom, ktorý sa označuje ako „striebro za zlato bitcoinu“. Antminer S9 Signature Unlock Guide In this guide, we will show you how to perform signature unlock on A ntminer S9, S9i and S9j models. If you are using firmware from November 2019 or newer, you will not be able to upgrade your S9 ASIC to NiceHash Custom Firmware because Bitmain made a signature check that only allows official Bitmain firmware BITMAIN AntMiner S9 Your approx.